LinguPinguin - 日本語 英語

by Grogshot Games, S.L.



幼児用外国語アプリ(ドイツ製) 小さいお子さんに、カラフルで可愛い絵と音で、 遊びながら外国語を学べる...


幼児用外国語アプリ(ドイツ製) 小さいお子さんに、カラフルで可愛い絵と音で、 遊びながら外国語を学べる、扱い易いアプリケーションです。
好奇心があふれる幼時期より、たくさんの外国語に触れる事は これからの言語習得にたいへん有効です。
このアプリには9つのテーマから、全部で90ヶの愉快なオブジェが登場します。 それぞれの絵をタッチすると、効果音が出て陽気にオブジェが動き出し、 オブジェの指す言語を日本語、外国語で話しだします。 たいへんクリエイティブでたのしい学習方法です。
テーマ: 動物、こうつう、食べ物、からだ、農場、おもちゃ、しぜん、衣類、家
新:LINGUPINGUINクイズ LinguPinguinクイズでは、ゲームで学んだ単語をすべて質問します。各ラウンドでポイントを0から8まで集めることができ、その成績によってご褒美におもしろいアニメーションが登場します。学ぶことが楽しくなります!
Language-learning app for preschoolers
Make language come to life!
This intuitive and colorful app for preschoolers is easy to understand through the combination of image and sound. Educational studies have shown that children of a young age are highly receptive to language learning and articulative expression. With LinguPinguin, curious children encounter a playful approach to learning foreign languages.
Nine different visual worlds and a total of ninety funny objects are made available to explore. When tapped, each object comes to life with hilarious animated movements and sounds revealing the spoken word for the object in the native tongue or chosen foreign language. A creative language-learning adventure!
Themes are: animals, transportation, food, body, farm, toys, nature, clothes, and apartment.
NEW: THE LINGUPINGUIN QUIZ In the LinguPinguin Quiz all words are queried that were learned in the game. Up to 8 points can be collected. Depending on the result you will be rewarded with a funny animation. The LINGUPINGUIN QUIZ makes learning fun!
Also for adult travelers, tourists or anyone interested in languages, LinguPinguin is an amusing tool to get in touch with a foreign language.
The appealing illustrations and quality animations offered in this app were executed by the Elevision team, who offers other/more educational children apps in the App Store: "BioMio - My Firs Biology App", "PumiLumi - A Hide-And-Seek Adventure" and "MooPuu - The Animated Monster Puzzle"
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